Portrait of character named  Tamaki Suoh


Name: Tamaki Suoh

Alias: "Daddy," "Lord," "The King," "Boss," "Milord"

Age: 17

Birthday: April 8 (Buddha's birthday)

Zodiac: Aries

Height: 183 cm (6'0")

Blood Type: A

Myers Briggs personality type: ENFP

Host type: "Prince"

Nationality: half-French, half-Japanese

Favorite Subjects: English, French, History

Favorite Foods: common folk ramen (esp. pork flavor) and snacks (esp. baby star)

Rose color: white

Tamaki Suoh is the founder and president of the Ouran High School Host Club. He is the antithesis to his best friend, Kyoya Ootori. While Kyoya is calm, cool, and calculating, Tamaki is flamboyant, emotional, and narcissistic; however, he is extremely dedicated to his duties as a host. He is the "prince" host type, who can charm any girl with sweet talk—yet he is always truthful in his compliments. To him, all girls are pretty, and the happiness of his guest is his greatest enjoyment. Tamaki acts as the main comic relief in the series, exemplified in his extremely dense and naïve approach to his own feelings, and extreme emotional reactions to Haruhi's comments about his stupidity. He has a family complex, as he asks Haruhi to call him "Daddy" and refers to Kyoya as "Mommy." He is shown to be partial to classical piano music and plays extremely well; one of his favorite pieces being Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major.

Bisco Hatori said, "I created him to be 'narcissitic and annoying,' but as the series progressed, he has turned into a annoying idiot. He is the character who's most out of control. Nobody can stop him now... so take him as you find him."

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

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