Portrait of character named  Jessica Edwards


Rank: Civilian

Occupation: Music Instructor, then anti-war Protester, later Representative

Group Affiliation: Free Planets Alliance

Base of Operations: Planet Heinessen, City of Thernusen

Marital Status: Single (Engaged)

First Appearance: MOVIE "Overture to a New War"

Known Relatives: Jean Robert Lappe (fiance)

Hair: Blond

Age: Late 20's

Birthdate: April 16th 768

History: Jessica became involved in anti-war politics after her fiance died at the Battle of Astate. The Patriotic Knights Corp harassed her until intervention by Yang Wenli, a longtime friend of both Jessica and Jean Lappe.

Soon thereafter, she ran for the Free Planets Alliance Legislature as a member of an anti-war party and was elected Representative.

During the coup, she and her associates organized protests against the tyrannical new police state.

(Source: logh.net)

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