Portrait of character named  Vera Ronstadt


The mysterious Vera involves herself as a third party behind the scenes of the Paradigm City War. Stubborn, old fashioned, efficient, determined, and diligent, Vera is focused on one thing: achieving her goal completely. Frustrated with her role as an outcast from Paradigm City, Vera takes it upon herself to recruit willing individuals to her cause of recovering and cultivating Paradigm City's lost memories. With this undiscovered power within her grasp, she can then fulfill her ultimate goal, the renewal of Paradigm City to its former glory. Obsessive and defiant of the current bureaucracy, Vera turns her internal hurt and struggle into a residual pleasure while exacting pain on others on the path to her goal. A very demanding lady, Vera will not accept failure at any costs. A master tactician full of surprises, Vera has her agents strategically placed throughout Paradigm City waiting for the chance to see her plans come to fruition.<div></div>

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