Portrait of character named  Umi Ryuuzaki


Age: 14 years old

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'2' or 158cm

Star Sign: Pisces

Grade: Year 2 Secondary Student

Birthday: 3rd of March

Blood Type: A

Favorite Food: Spaghetti

Least Favorite Food: Anything Sweet

Favorite Subject: English

Least Favorite Subject: Sewing / Home Economics

Extra Curricular Activities: Fencing Club

Hobby: Baking Cakes

Specialty: English and Fencing

Favorite Color: Blue

Wants to be: A Bride

Family Members: Father and mother

Umi Ryuuzaki is the Magic Knight of Water. Despite being a beautiful and elegant girl, with a tall model-like figure and long, flowing blue hair, she actually has a short temper, and was initially shown to be the most skeptical of the three. Later on, however, between the three Magic Knights, she took on the mantle of the Big Sister and proved to be very protective of her two best friends, Fuu Hououji and Hikaru Shidou.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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