Portrait of character named  Taki Sugihara


Birthday: May 9, 1984

Height: 5' 4" lbs

Blood Type: B

Favorite Food: Yakiniku

Dislikes: Green onion

Hobby and Special Skills: Martial arts, Impersonations

Taki is a midfielder from Takinawa Junior High chosen to qualify for the Junior Senbatsu Camp. He doesn't have much stamina, but he has excellent ball control. His pinpoint passes are made to draw-out the potential of the receiver. Taki becomes good friends with Shō since they were in the same team during camp. Though Kaku doesn't acknowledge him as his rival, Taki looks to Kaku as his rival, having been on a team with him years ago.

(Source: Daisuke Note, Whistle! vol. 13)

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