Portrait of character named  Takashi Narumi


Birthday: Aug. 29, 1964

Size: 5'11"; 147 lbs

Blood Type: O

Favorite Food: Shirmp in chili sauce

Dislikes: Milk

Hobby and Special Skills: Fortune telling and pick-up lines

Source: Whistle! Vol. 16, Daisuke's Notes.

A very tall and talented soccer player from Meisei Junior High who plays aggressively, and later gets one of the forward spots. He has a big mouth and seems to be quite a womanizer. He claims to hate midgets, especially those like Shō, due to a previous incident where the girl he liked preferred a short guy instead. He eventually warms up to Shō when Shō proves his self-worth by playing a crucial role in helping the Junior Senbatsu team make a comeback.

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