Portrait of character named  Gojyo Sha


Age: 22

Birthday: November 9

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: B

Height: 184 cm (6' 0")

Weight: 75.3 kg (166 lbs.)

Hair: Red

Eyes: Scarlet

Hobbies: Smoking, playing card games, flirting with women, picking on Goku

Dislikes: Weak people, water, seeing women cry

This fiery redhead is a man who loves to gamble and is fond of women looking for a good time. He is often teased by Goku and Sanzou due to his lecherous behavior. However, he is a loyal and reliable friend who has a soft spot for women in danger who are in need of help. He is a half-demon, which granted him his red hair and exotic red eyes. His weapon in battle is a jakujou [a staff with a crescent-moon shaped blade attached to the end by a chain that can be elongated].

(Source: Saiyuki Fansite f a t e d, Saiyuki Wikia)

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