Portrait of character named  Takuto Kira


Birthday: September 27

Sign: Libra

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 56 kg

Blood Type: O

Shoe Size: 26 cm

Favorite Food: sweet things and candy

Doesn't like: Natto

Takuto is a shinigami, AKA a Death God, partnered with another shinigami named Meroko. They are assigned to take Mitsuki's soul. His shinigami costume is a cat outfit with a backpack with wings, without which he would not enjoy the power of flight because he is not yet a full shinigami and hence has not sprouted wings of his own. He is capable of transforming into an anthropomorphic cat plushie. Takuto transforms Mitsuki into a 16-year-old to help her participate in a singing audition.

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