Portrait of character named  Rinslet Walker


Birthday: August 1

Age: 21 years old

Blood type: B

Height: 167cm

Weight: 48kg

Occupation: thief-for-hire

Hobbies: disguises, shopping, tarrot card reading

Likes: money, jewelery, handsome men, cute girls, etc.

Dislikes: ghosts, narcissists, etc

Handedness: right-handed

Comments: Her actions are always in line with her beliefs. She is very independant and won't do anything she doesn't want to. Sensing a commonality between herself and Train, she harboured an interest in him since Sapidoa.

(Source: Black Cat vol. 2)

A world class thief also known as Rins who she works for everyone, from the government to mob bosses. She claims she can steal anything and manipulate any man. She sometimes works alongside Train and Sven. She always comes out with money in her pockets, regardless of how it might have gotten there.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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