Portrait of character named  Pyotr


Harima Kenji's pet giraffe, Pyotr's name is pronounced as poy-to-ruu. In Chapter 154 of the manga, Eri is shown hugging a stuffed toy version of Pyotr. Eri also apparently has an encounter with Pyotr in the School Rumble PSP game. Pyotr is also featured as an image on Harima's cellphone call display.

Pyotr is believed to be a girl giraffe from the episodes where her thoughts were voiced by Kanai Mika whose real name is Yamadera Mika. She is a very good-willed giraffe, and was taken care of by Yakumo and Sara in one of the episodes making her one of the most 'featured' animals in the series second to only Iori.

(Source: AniDB)

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