Portrait of character named  Kiyosumi Sengoku


Yamabuki Chuu 3rd Year

Birthday: November 25

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Height: 170cm

Weight: 59kg

Blood Type: O

Dominant Hand: Right

Play Style: All Rounder

Shoes: Head / C,Tech 6000 MID

Racket: MIZUNO / Wenew 900Ti

Special Move: Kohou

Favorite Food:

Hobby: Fortune-telling, Spying on cute girls

Family: Father, Mother, Older sister

Father's occupation: Accountant

Favorite subject: Japanese, Design, Mathematics

Favorite color: Lucky color

Preferred type: All the girls in the world!

Sengoku is a pride of Yamabuki boys' tennis team. His inate talent in tennis allows him to be considered as one of the most strongest players in the country. Sengoku believes that he is also very lucky, thus having the nickname "Lucky Sengoku"; however, his "luck" doesn't seem to work out well with girls.

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