Portrait of character named  Gakuto Mukahi


Hyoutei Gakuen 3rd Year

Birthday: 12th September (Virgo)

Height: 158cm

Weight: 48kg

Blood Type: B

Dominant Hand: Left

Play Style: Serve and Volley

Shoes: K.SWISS (Preventor 2000)


Special Move: Moon Sault

Favourite Food: Deep Fried Chicken, Fermented Beans

Hobby: Bungee-Jumping, Collecting items like feathers

Family: Father, Mother, Younger Sister, Younger Brother

Father's occupation: Electronics

Favourite Subject: Chemistry, English, Physical Education

Favourite Colour: Red

Preferred type: Girls who are easy-going

Commitee: exercise committee

Worst school subject: politics/economics

Most frequented spot in school: the roof

Graduated from: Hyoutei's elementary school division

Spends his allowance on: hanging out with friends

Motto: 一日一跳(小学生のときに自分でつくったことわざ)- a jump a day (it was something he made up when he was in primary school)

Movie: Spiderman

Book: shounen manga (sports)

Music: hiphop

Favorite date spot: 遊園地(バンジージャンプができるところ)- A place where I can bungee jump

Most desired/needed item: 背中に羽がほしい! ('Senaka ni hane ga hoshii!' - He wants wings)

Daily routine: emailing friends (100 messages a day)

Dislikes: ghost stories, his father

Special non-tennis skill: skateboarding and streetdancing

Mukahi Gakuto is Hyoutei's acrobatic player. He considers himself better than Seigaku's Kikumaru and considers him his rival. However, his greatest weakness is his stamina, which he was unable to overcome in the manga. He plays doubles with Oshitari and Hiyoshi.

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