Portrait of character named  Kaoru Kaidou


2nd Year Student

Birthdate: May 11

Zodiac: Taurus

Class: 2-7

Relatives: Mother- Kaidoh Hozumi (40); Father-Kaidoh Shibuki (37); Younger Brother- Kaidoh Hazue (11)

Play Style: Counter-puncher

Dominant Hand: Right

Special Moves: Snake Shot, Boomerang Snake

Height: 173cm

Blood Type: B

Favorite Shoes: Puma (Cell Factor PTO634)

Favorite Racket: Head (TI.S7)

Favorite Subject: English

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Music: Rock

Favorite Food: Yogurt, (Yaki)Soba, 100% pure juice

Hobby: Running Marathons, collecting bandanas

Preferred Type: Someone that knows how to appreciate good food and shows it

Father's Occupation: Office worker (Bank)

Kaidō is a counterpuncher, noted by his stamina and retrieving most of the opponent's shot, using his physique to tire out his opponent first. While his play style becomes more aggressive as the series progresses, his original style is still evident in his matches.

As a kid he cried a lot. When he was in kindergarten, he was often mistaken for a girl, called Kaoru-chan, and forced to wear a skirt.

(Source: Kuryujiru LJ and Prince of Tennis Wikia)

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