Portrait of character named  Sadaharu Inui


3rd Year Student

Birthdate: June 3rd

Zodiac: Gemini

Class: 3-11

Relatives: Mother; Father

Play Style: Data Tennis, Serve and Volley

Dominant Hand: Right

Special Moves: Data Tennis, Quick serve

Height: 184cm or about 6"1'

Blood Type: AB

Favorite Shoes: Puma (SEQUENCE PTO636 0067)

Favorite Racket: Prince (GRAPHITE CHALLENGE)

Favorite Subject: Physics

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Food: Durian according to Momoshiro, Italian soup noodles according to Eiji

Hobby: Gathering data, making juices, making his glasses reflect light

Preferred Type: Someone calm. Someone that is older.

Father's Occupation: Office worker

Sadaharu Inui is a 3rd-year student and regular member of the Seigaku tennis team. He is an intelligent player and is best known for collecting player data, which he incorporates into a unique playing style known as "Data Tennis".

(Source: Kuryujiru LJ and Prince of Tennis Wikia)

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