Portrait of character named  Miss Goldenweek


Age: 16

Birthdate: April 29th

Height: 145 cm (4'9")

Affiliation: New Spiders Cafe (previously; Baroque Works)

Devil Fruit: None

Bounty: 29,000,000

Marianne, also known as Miss Goldenweek (Miss April Fools Day in 4Kids' English dub) partnered with Mr. 3, a wax sculptor. She hates work, is a talented painter, and can be seen constantly eating her favorite snack: rice crackers. She also appears younger than the other Baroque Works agents. She wields Color Traps, which control a person's emotions or affect their fighting abilities by painting colors upon their body. Miss Goldenweek uses these Color Traps to control Luffy, attempting to prevent him from defeating Mr. 3.

(Source: One Piece Wikia)

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