Portrait of character named  Ryou Nameoka


Ryou Nameoka is a young forward who is the captain of Aomori Dadada High School football team and was a former contender of Blue Lock.

Nameoka has black hair, amber eyes, tanned skin and he is described by Reo Mikage as a player with a very strong muscular build.


Superior Physicality: As described by Reo Mikage, Nameoka has a steel body unlike any other highschool student and plays a power duel style of football to dominate the field. His muscular build is the strongest weapon in Aomori Dadada High School's team, a well-known team that competes regularly in the nationals.

Professional Information:

Occupation: Student

Affiliation: Aomori Dadada High School

Former affiliation(s): Blue Lock

Blue Lock Rank: 252

Team: Aomori Dadada

Jersey Number(s): 10 (Aomori Dadada)

Position: Forward

Weapon: Steel Body

(Source: Blue Lock Wiki)

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