Portrait of character named  Pixy


Clefable is a tall, pink Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped body. It has long, pointed ears with dark brown tips and black, oval eyes with wrinkles on either side. A curled lock of fur hangs over its forehead, much like its long, tightly curled tail. On its back is a pair of dark pink wings; each wing has three points. Its hands have three fingers each, and its feet have two clawed toes and dark pink soles.

Clefable is a timid, nocturnal creature that flees when it senses people approaching and is one of the world's rarest Pokémon. Its sensitive ears can distinctly hear a pin drop from half a mile to 1,100 yards away. Because of its acute hearing, it prefers to live in quiet, mountainous areas of which it is protective. It has also been seen at deserted lakes during a full moon. Using a bouncy gait, it can walk on water and sometimes appears to be flying using its small wings. The anime has shown that Clefable is actually an extraterrestrial Pokémon. According to one tradition, seeing a pair of Clefable ensures a happy marriage. Some scientists believe that Clefable stares intently at the moon because it is homesick. There is a legend to this as well, which tells of how it listens for the voices of its kind on the moon during clear and quiet nights.


Clefable evolves from and is the final form of Cleffa.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

Appearing in