Portrait of character named  Kazutora Hanemiya


Kazutora is one of Tokyo Manji Gang's founders.

Birthday: September 16, 1990

Age: 15 (past), 27 (Present)

Blood Type: AB

Height: 174cm (5'9")

Weight: 60kg

Hair Color: Black & Yellow

Eye Color: Sand Brown

Appearance: Kazutora is a handsome male of average height and lean frame. His hair is cut into a messy wolf cut, with yellow streaks throughout. He has a beauty mark under his eye. He has a tiger tattooed on his neck. His eyes are large and unblinking, giving him a psychotic appearance.

Kazutora is shown to be fairly unstable, sadistic, and incredibly violent. While he came up as tranquil and polite when presenting himself to Takemichi's group, he no soon after introduced them to his "most trusted men" both of whom he broke their legs, forcing them to use crutches to walk, with a smile on his face at what he had done, as if it was normal.

(Source: Tokyo Revengers Wiki)

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