Portrait of character named  Hiiro Yano


Birthday: March 23 (Aries)

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Blood Type: B

Unit: RONDO (Background Vocal's, VJ)

Hobbies: Cosplay

Specialty: Counseling, Dream divination, Entertaining people over a meal

Favorites: Herbs, Seasonal vegetables

Dislikes: Snacks that are too sweet

Hiiro is a sleek university student with a mature attitude. As a VJ, her knowledge in art allows her to build the unique worldview of the unit. Since she majors in psychology, she acts as the counselor of the unit and listens to the members' consultations, but scolds anyone who becomes too selfish (e.g. she scolds Muni for not eating healthy foods).

(Source D4DJ Wiki)

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