Portrait of character named  Shinobu Inuyose


Birthday: February 4th

Height 150cm

Weight: 40kg

Blood Type: A

Unit: Peaky P-Key (DJ)

Hobbies: Online Games

Specialty: Staying Up Late

Dislikes: Vegetables (especially bitter vegetables like green peppers, bitter melons and broccoli)

Shinobu is the DJ and strategist of Peaky P-key, the most popular DJ unit at Yoba Academy. She and Kyoko are childhood friends, and they have a strong trust in each other. A very skilled DJ, also excels in remixing and track-making. She's a big name in the world of online games, which also serve as her hobby. She is a very picky eater, and her diet is that of a young child. She is very arrogant, but has the most common sense in the unit.

Although Shinobu may appear to be a prickly or closed person, she can actually be quite friendly and reliable, especially if she knows the person she is talking to. For example, she made friends with the girls from Lyrical Lily without any particular problems, although their image or aesthetic was noticeably different from Peaky P-key. At the same time, she can often be quite irritable when it comes to her pride, but this never becomes too problematic.

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