Portrait of character named  Satoru Gojou


Age: 28

Birthday: December 7, 1989

Height: 190 cm (6' 3")

Clan: Gojou Clan

Hair: White

Eyes: Light Blue

Grade: Special Grade

Abilities: Immense Strength, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Tactical Intellect, High Skill, Immense Cursed Energy, Infinity, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, Cursed Technique Hollow: Purple, Six Eyes, Limitless, Domain Expansion: Infinite Void.

Satoru Gojou is the first-year teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical College.

When interacting with his students and friends, he is known to be quite playful and carefree. However, toward his enemies, he has shown to be quite cruel and rebellious. He is also very confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer.

(Source: Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki, edited)

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