Portrait of character named  Natsumi


Age: unknown

Code name: Witch

Spirit number: 7

Species: Spirit

Angel: Haniel

Weapon type: broom

Astral Dress: YHVH Tzabaoth

Famous quote: "Hey Shido. Am I............really cute?"

Natsumi is the seventh Spirit to appear in the series. Natsumi has shapeshifting powers being able to turn anything into anything else within a range of 1 kilometer, including herself.

Natsumi's Angel, Haniel, besides being able to fly and transform objects or subjects, also has the unique ability of sending things into a different dimension through a mirror similar to Kurumi's shadow dimension. While in Natsumi’s personal dimension, the objects or subjects are put into a stasis field.

(Source: Date A Live Wikia, edited)

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