Portrait of character named  Hayuru Himekawa


Birthday: 22nd July (Cancer)

Gender: Female

B-W-H 81-53-85

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color Black

Height 158cm

Magic: Heart Hybrid Gear

Weapon: Katana

Equipment: Neros

Hayuru is a beautiful young woman with black eyes. She has long black hair which is decorated with red ribbons, that keep her hair styles into twintails. She wear a academic uniform which is white in color mixed with red. Her Nelos is a device that gives the image of a sharp bladed tool. An armament that looks similar to a Japanese katana is fixed at the waist while eight long and slender mechanical parts floats on her back. In other words she looks somewhat like a samurai from edo period, which is reflected by her personality.

As a member of morals committee Hayuru has a very harsh and strict personality, she is very impatient and can get angered easily.

Hayuru has a mature personality. Kizuna is the usual target for her to punish when he gets caught with another girl. She acts somewhat like a warrior. Hayuru is very holds herself in a very high position as a member of the committee.

(Source: Masou Gakuen HxH Wikia)

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