Portrait of character named  Seisa Mikagura


Birthday: April 10

Height: 159 cm

Blood type: AB

Club: Going-Home Club

Song: Esoragoto Spiral

Power: Killing Art

Seisa is the granddaughter of the headmistress of Mikagura Academy. She is a special person with overwhelming power who, following an incident during her first year, was asked to create the Going-Home Club, a club for students with abnormal abilities. As such, she is rarely seen in school, usually because of either her bad physical condition or having a medical appointment, projecting off an aura of mystery.

Despite being rather distant and aloof, she can be amiable and elegant. She shows signs of having a playful side as well, such as preparing an entire conversation for a voice message for Eruna and often falling asleep while talking or battling. She also has a charming smile, but during battle, it's quite scary.

(Source: Mikagura Gakuen Kumiyoku Wikia)

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