Portrait of character named  Ivan Perepelkin


Nationality: Russian

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 173cm

Weight: 73kg

Surgery base: Datura stramonium

M.A.R.S ranking: #10

Ivan Perepelkin is a Russian boy under Sylvester Asimov's tutelage who joined the Annex Project along his sister, Elena, to find a cure for the deadly A.E. virus that afflicts the Earth.

He is introduced as an honest, albeit gullible, individual. He developed a crush on Sheila Levitt after she treated his wounds when he took a punch meant for Jet. Ivan become enraged when Sylvester Asimov's order to not take the drug cost his sister's life. Soon afterwards he begins to act more seriously, similar to his sister, to varying results.

(Source: Terra Formars Wikia)

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