Portrait of character named  Akari Hizamaru


Nationality: Japan

Mars Ranking: #6

Age: 20

Height: 177 cm

Weight: 91 kg - 96 kg (while on duty)

Surgery Base: Bagworm (Psychidae)

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: O

Favorite Food: Anything filling

Dislikes: Crockroroachs

Date of Birth: Unknown. He considers August 2 as his birthday

Hobbies: Illustration, reading

He is trained in Martial Arts at dojo run by diretor of orphanage (although it was described as "karate" in the foreign underground ring, it is actually an old form of Jiu-Jitsu). He joined to Annex Project in order to acquire a sample of the A.E. Virus to create a vacine.

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