Portrait of character named  Haruhiko Uchimiya


Birthday: April 24

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Blood type: A

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Best subject: science

Worst subject: art

Favorite food: pizza, toast

Least favorite food: fish skin

Favorite musician: Kazuyoshi Saito

Siblings: older brother

First love: elementary school (Year 4)

Usual snack: Takenoko no Sato

Favorite beverage: NUDA Grape Fruits

Favorite color: red, dark blue

Haruhiko Uchimiya is a boy in Futaba's year. Along with his two friends Toma Kikuchi and Kiyun Tachibana. He is a 2nd year High School student whose love interest is Yuri Makita.

He has shaggy light colored hair and round eyes. He has a friendly and compassionate personality and is a good person who stands up for his friends.

(Source: Ao Haru Ride Wikia)

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