Portrait of character named  Youichi Tanaka


Birthday: April 30

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Blood type: 0

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 66 kg

Best subject: English

Worst subject: Art

Favorite food: Curry

Least favorite food: Liver

Favorite musician: Janis Joplin

Siblings: One younger brother

First love: 2nd year of middle school

Usual snack: Kari Kari Ume (crunchy plums)

Favorite beverage: Coke

Favorite color: Emerald green

Other: He can't wink.

Kou's older brother by eight years. He works as an English teacher at Futaba's high school. Futaba was initially interested in Youichi upon entering high school because he reminded her of Kou, but was unaware that the two were brothers. Youichi knows about Shuuko's crush on him but always rebuffs her advances, telling her that he will never see her as anything more than a student. However, he never hesitates to help her in times of need and is happy whenever he sees that she is fitting in. He enjoys a playful "rivalry" with Aya over Shuuko. He often gives Futaba advice whenever she feels unsure about herself or about Kou.

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