Portrait of character named  Shuuko Murao


Birthday: November 20

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Blood type: A

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Best subject: English

Worst subject: Cooking

Favorite food: Avocado sandwiches

Least favorite food: Eel

Favorite musician: Sakana Cushion

Siblings: One older sister

First love: 3rd year, elementary school

Usual snack: Jabagee

Favorite beverage: Hot chocolate

Favorite color: Black

Other: She likes comedy TV

Much like Yuuri, Shuuko is another "lone wolf." She is very beautiful but has a cold exterior that drives others away. Due to experiences in middle school, Shuuko fails to trust girls. She has been in love with Tanaka-sensei, Kou's older brother, since her first year of high school after attending a guidance session between the two of them. Eventually, her trust in female relationships was restored after becoming friends with Futaba and Yuuri.

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