Portrait of character named  Aya Kominato


Birthday: December 3

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Blood type: A

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Best subject: Math

Worst subject: Art

Favorite food: Yakiniku (fried meat)

Least favorite food: Freeze-dried tofu

Favorite musician: ONE OK ROCK

Siblings: One younger sister

First love: 2nd year of elementary school

Actually... I'm one quarter french

Usual snack: Black Thunder (chocolate bar)

Favorite beverage: Peach tea

Favorite color: Pink

Outgoing and spontaneous, Aya seems to be the only character without social problems. He is very open, caring, and sometimes even dense. He has an unrequited crush on Shuuko. Aya harbors a hatred for Tanaka-sensei, and initially did not like Kou due to his relation to him. He is good at Math.

Appearing in