Portrait of character named  Futaba Yoshioka


Birthday: June 19

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Blood type: A

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Best subject: Science

Worst subject: English

Favorite food: Tarako Pasta

Least favorite food:Milk

Favorite musician: Abe Mao

Siblings: None

First love: 1st year of middle school

Usual snack: Garbo Ball

Favorite beverage: Tea

Favorite color: White

Other: Her bedroom is actually really girly

Futaba often shied away from boys, writing them off as crude, rough and vulgar all except the mild voiced- small built Kou. They shared a brief attraction to each other.

One day Kou suddenly moved away without any notice leaving behind a stunned Futaba.

Futaba's life took a drastic turn after Kou's departure - the other boys started to take notice of Futaba's flawless face, alienating her from the rest of the girls. They began to hate Futaba and blame her eventually exiling her all together. Now in high school, Futaba is determined to not be too girly in order to avoid a repetition of what happened in her middle school years.

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