Portrait of character named  Kiichi


Birthday: November 25

Age: 15

Height: 151 cm

Blood Type: O

Things she Likes: Shopping, Eating

Things she Dislikes: Children

Food she Likes: desserts (especially those with cream)

Food she Dislikes: the medicines made by Jiki (that has to be consumed orally)

Hair Color: Light Blue

Eye Color: Light Blue

She is a proud perfectionist, but there seems to be occasions when she is inattentive. She is hostile towards Tsukumo who was her senior in training academy, but this feeling is one-sided.

Being strong-willed and hating to lose enables her to do battle. She deals with situations in a calm and composed manner, and is seen to have much potential as a Circus member.

She is voiced by Eri Kitamura in the Drama CD.

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