Portrait of character named  Nadeshiko Adenokouji


Birthday: 18 June

Bloodtype: A

Height: 145 cm

Weight: 36 Kg

Three Sizes: 71-52-72

Loves: Tsuwabuki, P.E., Equitation, Enya, Classical Music

Hates: Women who get closer to Tsuwabuki (except from her family), Tea Ceremony, Ikebana, Anthropometry, Loud Music

Favourite Food: Haute Cusine, Tea, Macaron

Hated Food: Snacks, Sukiyaki

Ichiko's classmate and the after episode presenter of the anime. She's the sister of the Tennis Prince Shion Adenokouji.

In the Manga, she's a Rich Girl in love with Tsuwabuki, and also a Ninja Stalker.

(Source: Character File 23)

Appearing in