Portrait of character named  Shoichi Imayoshi


Age: 18

Birthday: June 3rd (Gemini)

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 71 kg

School: Touou Academy

Position: Point Guard

Number: #4

Talent: Intelligence, Mind Games

Touou High's captain and Point Guard, he is a well-spoken and superficially kind on first glance, but hides a somewhat darker personality that more subtly reveals itself in conversation. Speaking in the typically polite Kansai dialect, Imayoshi laces what would be pleasant conversation with slight jabs at other's weaknesses and understated but absolute expressions of his own confidence. While he displays no unique skills, he is a highly effective captain, culling the collective efforts of the Touou team (widely known for being composed of individuals with very specialized styles and poor compatibility with other teammates).

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