Poster depicting Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san (Movie)
364 ratings
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Alternative titles
Pompo: The Cinéphile
2021-06-04 to 2021-06-04

The series centers on Joelle Davidovich Pomponette (Pompo-san), a talented film producer at the movie capital "Nyallywood." Despite her prowess to see through to the potential of actors and staff and bring out their talent to the fullest, she has only been producing B-class action and erotic films. One day, Pompo's "film-worm" assistant Gene, who has been doubtful of her choices of film genres, is given the task to direct a film based on a script written by her. Will Gene be able to bring Pompo's "masterpiece" to fruition? (Source: MAL News)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Gene Fini main Hiroya Shimizu Japanese
Joelle Davidovich Pomponette main Konomi Kohara Japanese
Martin Braddock supporting Akio Otsuka Japanese
Mystia supporting Ai Kakuma Japanese
Nathalie Woodward supporting Rinka Ootani Japanese
Alan Gardner supporting Ryuuichi Kijima Japanese
Mystia supporting Anne Yatco English
Nathalie Woodward supporting Jackie Lastra English

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