Poster depicting Baja no Studio
149 ratings
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2017-10-28 to 2017-10-28

"My name is Baja. That's what everyone calls me, so it's probably Baja. I came here from the outside world when I was little. As for what happened when I was born, I don't remember much of it." Kohata Anime Studio is a place full of dreams where animation is made. Baja was raised in this studio by the people who create animation. Floating in a pond outside is his friend the duck. Baja enjoys a fun and blissful daily life. One night, when all the people are no longer at the studio, Baja takes a peek outside and finds that his duck friend is being attacked by a cat. Will Baja be able to save his friend? A wondrous night adventure begins! (Source: MAL News)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Baja main Maika Yoshida Japanese
Ga-chan main Mutsumi Tamura Japanese
Coco supporting Azusa Tadokoro Japanese
Gi supporting Mutsumi Tamura Japanese
Kanako supporting Hisako Kanemoto Japanese

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