Poster depicting Kabuki-bu!
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2017-04-07 to 2017-06-23

Kurogu had a love of kabuki theater instilled in him from a very young age thanks to his grandfather. Now, as a high school student, he desires to create his own kabuki club in order to bring an appreciation of kabuki to a wider audience. He'll find, though, that with the weight of hundreds of years of strict tradition, it's not so easy to get high schoolers interested. A rough start is not enough to deter Kurogu, and he'll work hard to inspire in others the same burning passion he feels, until the day he can put on his own performance! (Source: Honey's Anime)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Shin Akutsu main Ryota Osaka Japanese
Kaoru Asagi main Yuko Kaida Japanese
Jin Ebihara main Kengo Kawanishi Japanese
Kurogo Kurusu main Taichi Ichikawa Japanese
Tonbo Murase main Yuuichirou Umehara Japanese
Hanamichi Niwa main Nobunaga Shimazaki Japanese
Tsurane Toomi supporting Tomoaki Maeno Japanese
Kiriko Tsuboyama supporting Chinatsu Akasaki Japanese
Riri Miwayama supporting Ayaka Asai Japanese
Maruko Janome supporting Yumi Uchiyama Japanese
Katsumi Kazuma supporting Kazutomi Yamamoto Japanese

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