Poster depicting Fuse: Teppou Musume no Torimonochou
1516 ratings
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Alternative titles
伏 鉄砲娘の捕物帳
English: FUSE - Memoirs of the Hunter Girl
2012-10-20 to 2012-10-20

In Kyokutei Bakin's classic Japanese epic novel Nansou Satomi Hakkenden, eight samurai serve the Satomi clan during Japan's tumultuous Sengoku (Warring States) era. The Edo-era samurai are the reincarnations of the spirits that Princess Fuse mothered with a dog named Yatsufusa. In Fuse Gansaku: Satomi Hakkenden, the female hunter Hamaji comes to her brother in order to hunt Fuse. Thus, the karmic cycle of retribution that began long ago with the Satomi family begins anew.(Source: ANN) Fuse were hybrid creatures of humans and dogs in the Edo period. As there were rumors saying that they killed humans and ate their souls, the Shogun Government offered high bounty for hunting them.Hamaji was a young female huntress living in the rural part of Mutsu while her brother Dousetsu was living in Edo. The story began as Hamaji went to Edo in order to help his brother to earn some bounty. But in Edo, she met a mysterious young men being chased by others. His name was Shino ...(partially translated from Wikipedia JP, main spoilers removed)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Shino main Mamoru Miyano Japanese
Hamaji Ooyama main Minako Kotobuki Japanese
Itezuru supporting Nana Mizuki Japanese
Funamushi supporting Maaya Sakamoto Japanese
Makuwari supporting Hiroshi Kamiya Japanese
Meido supporting Kanako Miyamoto Japanese
Dousetsu Ooyama supporting Katsuyuki Konishi Japanese
Iesada Tokugawa supporting Hirofumi Nojima Japanese

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