Poster depicting Kill Me Baby
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Kill Me Baby
2012-01-06 to 2012-03-30

Kill Me Baby is the touching story of Yasuna, a normal (?) high school girl, and Sonya, her best friend who happens to be an assassin. Unfortunately, little Sonya's trained assassin instincts often work against her and others in her daily high school life, as Yasuna's often-broken wrist can attest to. She just wanted a hug, but she ended up with a broken neck. Isn't it sad? No, it's hilarious.Not even Yasuna's intense ninja training can prepare her for the exciting adventures in this explosive 4-panel manga adaptation.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Sonya main Luci Christian English
Sonya main Mutsumi Tamura Japanese
Agiri Goshiki main Rozie Curtis English
Agiri Goshiki main Ai Takabe Japanese
Yasuna Oribe main Hilary Haag English
Yasuna Oribe main Chinatsu Akasaki Japanese
Unused Character supporting Rie Kugimiya Japanese
Unused Character supporting Brittney Karbowski English
Extra Girls supporting Satomi Arai Japanese
Extra Boys supporting Cho Japanese

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