The story of the manga centers on four classmates who just entered the same junior high school together. On the first day of school, a boy named Hikaru Suzuki sees a talented girl named Sayaka performing lines from a drama on the school's rooftop, and he cannot take his eyes off her. Even as Hikaru becomes interested in Sayaka, his longtime friend Chihiro secretly pines for him. On top of that, a boy named Shinobu Suzuki — no relation to Hikaru — is falling for Chihiro.
(Source: ANN)
Sayaka Hoshino main | Azumi Asakura Japanese |
Chihiro Itou main | Mayu Isshiki Japanese |
Hikaru Suzuki main | Hisafumi Oda Japanese |
Shinobu Suzuki main | Ryou Iwasaki Japanese |