Poster depicting Fortune Quest OVA
Alternative titles
フォーチュン・クエスト ~世にも幸せな冒険者たち~
Fortune Quest OVA
1993-10-09 to 1994-05-10

Fortune Quest is the tale of a bunch of adventurers. Imagine your classic D&D party—Fighter, Thief, Bard, Mage, Healer... and Porter? Okay, don't know where the Porter comes from, but Pastel and her group of adventurers are broke and need a job. They can't afford to buy any of the adventure modules from the module seller, so they have to take part-time jobs to pay off their debts. And an innocent job to fetch holy water leads to world-threatening danger...and a white dragon.(Source:

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Voice Actors & Characters

Trapp main Toshio Furukawa Japanese
Knoll main Yasuhiko Kawazu Japanese
Whitey main Yumi Touma Japanese
Pastel G. King main Rumi Kasahara Japanese
Clay S. Anderson main Nobutoshi Canna Japanese

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