Poster depicting Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld
141 ratings
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Alternative titles
ドラえもん のび太の魔界大冒険
Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld
1984-03-17 to 1984-03-17

Having dreamed of being in a world of magic, Nobita and Doraemon used the what-if-telephone-booth gadget to turn the world into one that is based on magic instead of science. Little did they know that demons exist and threaten this magical world.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Doraemon main Nobuyo Ooyama Japanese
Takeshi Gouda main Kazuya Tatekabe Japanese
Suneo Honekawa main Kaneta Kimotsuki Japanese
Shizuka Minamoto main Michiko Nomura Japanese
Nobita Nobi main Noriko Ohara Japanese
Hidetoshi Dekisugi supporting Sumiko Shirakawa Japanese

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