Poster depicting Doraemon: Nobita at the Birth of Japan
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Alternative titles
ドラえもん のび太の日本誕生
English: Doraemon: Nobita at the Birth of Japan
1989-03-11 to 1989-03-11

Nobita wants to run away from home, again. He finds out that there is nowhere for him to go. All the land is owned by someone. His friends end up wanting to run away also, even Doraemon. They figure out that the only way to find land that isn't owned by anyone is to go back in time to when no humans existed. They end up helping a prehistoric boy rescue his tribe from Gigazombie.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Doraemon main Nobuyo Ooyama Japanese
Takeshi Gouda main Kazuya Tatekabe Japanese
Suneo Honekawa main Kaneta Kimotsuki Japanese
Shizuka Minamoto main Michiko Nomura Japanese
Nobita Nobi main Noriko Ohara Japanese

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