Poster depicting Doraemon: Nobita's South Sea Adventure
119 ratings
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Alternative titles
ドラえもん のび太の南海大冒険
Doraemon: Nobita's South Sea Adventure
1998-03-07 to 1998-03-07

Finding a treasure is always been so hard! But, nothing is ever impossible for Doraemon and his magic tool. And so, with the help of Doraemon, Nobita and the rest of the gang set sail on a ship to find treasure on an islands. However on their way to the island, the ships have almost been destroyed and resulting Nobita to stray on an island with a young pirate while Doraemon and the rest of the gang somehow involved in a war between pirates.And so, their adventure begins...

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Voice Actors & Characters

Doraemon main Nobuyo Ooyama Japanese
Takeshi Gouda main Kazuya Tatekabe Japanese
Shizuka Minamoto main Michiko Nomura Japanese
Nobita Nobi main Noriko Ohara Japanese

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