Poster depicting Doraemon: Nobita & Robot Kingdom
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Alternative titles
ドラえもん のび太とロボット王国
Doraemon: Nobita & Robot Kingdom
2002-03-09 to 2002-03-09

Doraemon and friends travels into another world via the time machine; where humans and robots are living together. However they soon find out that the Empress of Robot Kingdom was trying to capture robots there and turn them emotionless. As the situation goes tense, our heroes sets out to stop the Empress and her plan.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Doraemon main Nobuyo Ooyama Japanese
Takeshi Gouda main Kazuya Tatekabe Japanese
Suneo Honekawa main Kaneta Kimotsuki Japanese
Shizuka Minamoto main Michiko Nomura Japanese
Nobita Nobi main Noriko Ohara Japanese

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