Poster depicting Lady Georgie
608 ratings
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Lady Georgie
1983-04-09 to 1984-02-25

An Australian farmer returns home from the woods with a baby named Georgie. The girl lives ignoring the terrible secret hidden in the golden bracelet on her hand. Her "Father" and Her "brothers", Abel and Arthur, love her dearly, but her "mother" considers her an intruder and doesn't manage to open her heart to the girl. Georgie grows up into a beautiful young girl, and both her "brothers" are deeply in love with her. Not knowing the truth, Georgie eventually falls in love with the handsome grandson of the British Governor. When Mother finally reveals the truth to her and condamns the girl for being an exile's daughter, Georgie leaves for Britain in search of her real parents - and for her love, who has also left Australia. Abel and Arthur follow her and the three are thrown into the cruel world of London aristocracy, lies and intrigues.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Georgie Buttman main Antonella Baldini Italian
Georgie Buttman main Yuriko Yamamoto Japanese
Georgie Buttman main Sabine Bohlmann German
Georgie Buttman main Annabelle Roux French
Abel Buttman main Hideyuki Hori Japanese
Abel Buttman main Eiko Yamada Japanese
Arthur Buttman main Manou Lubowski German
Arthur Buttman main Isao Nagahisa Japanese
Arthur Buttman main Jean-François Lescurat French
Lowell Grey main Yuji Mitsuya Japanese
Lowell Grey main Philipp Moog German
Lowell Grey main Riccardo Rossi Italian
Kevin supporting Kyousuke Maki Japanese
Elise Dangering supporting Sakiko Tamagawa Japanese
Elise Dangering supporting Brigitte Aubry French

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