Poster depicting Five Star Stories
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Five Star Stories
1989-03-11 to 1989-03-11

Amaterasu is the god of light, the future emperor of the Joker Star System. Under the guise of young mecha conceptor Ladios Sopp, he is compelled by an old friend, Dr Ballanche, to save his two latest Fatimas Lachesis and Clotho. And so began the stories of the Joker System, as well as Amaterasu's love for Lachesis.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lachesis Fatima main Maria Kawamura Japanese
Clotho Fatima main Rei Sakuma Japanese
Mission Routh main Norio Wakamoto Japanese
Ladios Sopp main Ryo Horikawa Japanese
Coluss III supporting Kazuhiko Inoue Japanese
Dr. Balanche supporting Hideyuki Tanaka Japanese
Aisha Codante supporting Run Sasaki Japanese

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