Poster depicting Arslan Senki
965 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: The Heroic Legend of Arslan
1991-08-17 to 1995-09-21

Betrayed from within and overwhelmed by dark sorcery, the valiant armies of Pars are overrun by the warrior-fanatics of Lusitania. Escaping the destruction of his homeland, the heroic Prince Arslan begins to assemble a group of five, extraordinary allies—a priestess, an exiled warrior, a mischievous minstrel, an insightful artist and his attendant—to aid him in his fight against the Lusitanian invaders. Together, they must build an army and defeat 300,000 trained soldiers—including the mysterious Lord Silver Mask who has also laid claim to the throne of Pars.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Arslan main Kappei Yamaguchi Japanese
Arslan main Ben Fairman English
Arslan main Min Seok Kim Korean
Arslan main Olivier Podesta French
Daryoon main Kazuhiko Inoue Japanese
Daryoon main Jeong Gu Lee Korean
Daryoon main Bruno Méyère French
Narsus main Kaneto Shiozawa Japanese
Narsus main Daniel Flynn English
Narsus main Stéphane Ronchewski French
Farangis main Masako Katsuki Japanese
Farangis main Simone Grant English
Guibu main Kazuki Yao Japanese
Guibu main Adrien Solis French
Silvermask main Shuuichi Ikeda Japanese
Elam supporting Nozomu Sasaki Japanese
Elam supporting Catherine Desplaces French
Archbishop supporting Kouichi Kitamura Japanese
Andragoras supporting Alberto Trifol Spanish
Vafleez supporting Masaru Ikeda Japanese

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