Poster depicting _Summer
1049 ratings
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Alternative titles
_summer [アンダーバーサマー]
2006-10-27 to 2007-01-26

“Is there any girl you love?”By this word his friend asked during the school excursion, the protagonist, Kaizu Takumi, begins to aware of his interest in opposite sex. Of course, there are girls around him, for example, his childhood friend, Hatano Konami, his classmate, Ebizuka Shino, a school idol, Shimazu Kakana, etc. However, he himself hasn’t noticed his feelings until he is asked by his friend. He becomes anxious seeing his friend try to find his girl friend, and he resolves his mind to find a girl friend during the last summer of his high school life.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Master main Hikaru Hanada Japanese
Chiwa Amano main Hitomi Japanese
Shino Ebizuka main Yuuki Kajita Japanese
Konami Hatano main Natsumi Yanase Japanese
Takumi Kaizu main Takashi Kondou Japanese
Sana Kaizu main Junko Kusayanagi Japanese
Yuno Kawakami supporting Megu Ashiro Japanese

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