Poster depicting Massugu ni Ikou
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Massugu ni Ikou
2003-08-18 to 2003-08-21

A talking dog is a beautiful story that you should have dreamt of as a child. But if you have forgotten about it, this is a reminder of that fable story. This is the story of a dog that talks, but ordinary people cannot hear his voice.

The main character, Mametaro, is an adventurous crossbreed dog. He loves his owner, Iku-chan and his girlfriend Hanako-chan very much. However, he just cannot stand Iku-chan's friend, Akiyoshi.

During this story, which will be told from Mametaro's point of view, the warm days of spring are finally here. The school and the riverbank, which is actually just an ordinary neighborhood for people, seems like a mysterious world that extends infinitely to little Mametaro and his friends.

(Source: AniDB)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Mametarou main Hiroyuki Yoshino Japanese
Mametarou main Myeong Jun Jeong Korean
Ikuko Wakatsuki main Fumiko Orikasa Japanese
Hanako supporting Sachiko Kojima Japanese
Sebastian supporting Masami Suzuki Japanese
Sora supporting Tomoe Hanba Japanese
Junichi Akiyoshi supporting Kenji Nojima Japanese
Takeshi Ijuuin supporting Kenichi Suzumura Japanese
Nao Saotome supporting Noriko Shitaya Japanese
Kyousuke Watabe supporting Toshiyuki Morikawa Japanese

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